• Cherry Tree Highway

    A Bridge-camp to Archiarchy

  • How did we get here?

  • Meet the Family

    We were two families, one from Poland looking to visit the Possibility Management village in NZ and one established in NZ originally from the UK. There was an initial zoom call to create connection and look for possibilities to start a family bridge house. Two months later we moved into a beautiful glade and orchard together with an energetic alignment that makes relating and living together seem easeful and feel joyful.

    Together we have clarity that we want to step into one family and out of the nuclear patriarchal model. We wish to document our journey so that you may be inspired to do similar experiments. Already the adults feel more spaciousness, created as a result of having more beings in the family space for the children to relate to and wide open space for them to explore.

    An outdoor kitchen separates two bell tents into which all children are welcome.

    As the children settle into the space and get to know other adults we are experimenting with sharing space holding of them, allowing for example the time and space for the writing of this piece. Wojciech is with the kids allowing Ewa and Hannah to sit side by side documenting the happenings and Elliot is developing his coaching skills.

    A current challenge is finding time together without the kids. In these ways our journey and documenting is about how we can create the steps on the bridge …stepping out of one world and into another.

    From Patriarchy into Archiarchy.

    How can we create an adult space and a children's space, merging our two families, ideas, boundaries and discipline so that we can work as one cohesive unit?

    These are the steps we take. It already seems clear that more adults and older children are necessary.


    We are Ewa, Wojciech, Mia & Leo and Hannah, Elliot & Evelyn. Two families whose four adults are creating next culture using possibility management tools to relate, heal, evolve, transform and serve. We decided to live together in a mini village for the summer, pitching up bell tents and creating an outdoor kitchen, heaps of space for the children to run around and scream and shout and more adults to help hold the space. We lived together for one month and although it was great the space was still missing something, or maybe it was not missing anything, there was just a call from the space to try something a bit more radical.

    Enter Wojciech with the words “Ewa and I have a proposal”...  


    So, a month in and the call from the space was heard. Enough of the pain of going to work to pay the bills and using money earned from modern culture gameworlds to live with. The proposal was to pool resources and create a situation where all expenses and logistics are
    covered and cleared out of the space and each adult, for the next two months can has
    dedicated space to focus on making a living from their non material value.

    We have become one family, all sharing the same rocket ship, lifting off from planetPatriarchy riding on an intergalactic highway to the Next Culture constellation of Archiarchy.

    We are collaborating in our care for the children to create spaces of adventure for them while two adults at a time are working to build out their lives as Possibility Coaches and Spaceholders for Rage Clubs, Fear Clubs, Gremlin exploration spaces, writing spaces and
    to have the space to Love and Intimacy between the couples is also regarded as essential on the highway and each pair have a 4 hour space per week to spend time with one another and nourish their relationship, if you are a parent, you will get how amazing that is.

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    Evelyn, Mia and Leo

    Pure Beings

    Creators, Fun Explorers, Discoverers unfolding their essence in the Nature with the curiosity of what is possible on planet Earth.

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    Possibilitator, Mother, Cultural Midwife

    My purpose in this experiment is to find my voice, to follow my impulses despite the doubts and go through my evolution with my team by my side. Also to discover how it goes to become one family from two nuclear set ups.

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    Edgeworker, Sourceress, Possibility Coach

    My purpose is to unfold my Creation and discover the Underworld mechanisms that are holding me back from being a team player. I am experimenting also with shifting the identity from being a parent to being a kid's spaceholder.



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    A small tagline

    A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.

    broken image


    A small tagline

    A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Recently I asked one man with whom I was living, how is it for him to be around my little kids....
  • Say hello!

    Let us know if you would like to visit us.